Chico & Rita
Cuba, 1948. Chico is a young piano player with big dreams. Rita is a beautiful singer with an extraordinary voice.
Music and desire unite them as they chase their dreams and each other from Havana to New York to Paris, Hollywood and Las Vegas. With an original soundtrack by legendary Cuban pianist and five-time Grammy-winning composer Bebo Valdés, Chico & Rita captures a defining moment in the evolution of history and jazz, and features the music of (and animated cameos by) Thelonious Monk, Charlie Parker, Cole Porter, Dizzy Gillespie, Woody Herman, Tito Puente, Chano Pozo, and others.
Flere opplysninger
- Medvirkende
- Mariscal, Javier (reg.)
- Trueba, Fernando (reg.)
- Talespråk
- Spansk tale, tekstet på engelsk
Eksemplarer til utlån
Bibliotek | Avdeling | Plassering | Status |
Asker | Voksenavdelingen | dvd-anim | Ledig |
Asker | Voksenavdelingen | magasin | Ledig |